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Who are you?


Assignment #3

Connect To Your Story.


Directions. Write a response to your three chosen words from Assignment 2. 


During this exercise, get in touch with insights that live below the surface of your routine thoughts. That's where you want to go – the place where you are inspired to express yourself, honestly and courageously.


Sometimes it's helpful to read samples from other students to get the gist of an exercise. In that spirit, I provide a few below.


As a gentle reminder, don't be tempted to play the comparison game. So often when we read another person's writing, we compare ourselves and feel disconnected from our own power.


Trust your feelings, thoughts, and experiences. 


Examples – 


Deep Thinker, Studious


I always enjoy rigorous course content that challenges me, not only technically, but also in finding new ways to look at things. I love exploring new viewpoints of the world or of a subject, or finding connections between course content. As an example, in physics, once I discovered the parallels between force and torque, and the differences in work and impulse. The rest of the formulas made a lot of sense and I enjoyed the class a lot more. Additionally, I think the humanities classes I’ve taken have allowed me to look at the world differently and explore new modes of thought.




My mother was the first person to notice scribbles on the loose pieces of scratch paper when I was a child. It was joyful to create buildings and foliage scattered across a canvas. I made meticulous little strokes of vertical and horizontal dashes for my brick wall, along with the soft strokes up, to represent the grass on my lawn. Art allowed me to imagine life as a grown-up, and the ability to romanticize the freedom and independence adults take for granted. Today, I design structures and gardens full of flowers for my future, independent self. The process begins with multiple sketches and ideas, where I envision the potential design of my subject. My future comes alive with color, shading, and fine lines. 




I am president of a club at my school where we discuss global relations and cultural exchanges. As one of the few women of color in my class, I believe it is important to generate conversations about race and why it is vital part of feminism. While my experiences as a woman may be similar to others, I must speak from the “I” perspective when talking about my experiences as a Black woman in America. In order to learn how to introduce new and effective diversity initiatives in private schools like mine, I went to a national conference on student diversity and leadership where I learned tactics in dealing with racial incidents at my high school. I met others who were from diverse groups and simply wanted to learn how they could be allies. I brought this information back with me and to the administrators’ doors, explaining to them what I’ve learned and how it could be applied to the school’s curriculum. 


Global Thinker


I have come to understand that I have been in a liberal bubble my entire life - where  I, and those around me, tend to bounce off similar ideas to validate our opinions. Breaking out of this comfortability was hard, but was necessary to understand how others have come to rely on their own core values - even if their core values differ from mine. Traveling and experiencing new cultures, as well as using my own privilege to help others instead of simply benefiting myself, is an ongoing journey I want to take. 



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