The Place To Be

We all have a place – a kind of sacred space – where we just plain feel like ourselves.
~ In the woods
~ On a baseball diamond
~ Around my grandmother’s kitchen table
These are some of the places my students have written about over the years. It’s so interesting to learn about why a place is special.
A sacred space allows you to be. To be yourself, to be content, to be inspired, to be connected.
The road to college is long and winding. That’s why it’s important to pace yourself. You know that busy agenda on your screen? Schedule time to be in the space that calls to you. It’s a chance to get renewed and energized.
And hopefully, you’ll get back in touch with who you are as a person (rather than the sleep-deprived, stressed-out high school student with too much to do and not enough time to do it).
~ Downtown on my skateboard
~ On the pier at the ocean
~ Anywhere with my guitar