High School Students: Reaching Out + Stepping Up
Updated: Apr 1, 2021

How many times during the school day do you find yourself thinking -
That’s not me!
That’s not me –
I don’t raise my hand during class discussions.
(I might say the wrong thing.)
I don’t volunteer to lead group projects.
(It’s easier to herd sheep.)
I don’t try out new activities.
(I may not be good at them.) There will always be reasons to justify your choices. But are they preventing you from mastering new skills that will help you move forward?
The good news is that you can make new choices (today!) that will serve you in high school, college and beyond.
Take a chance and reach out to people who can help you step up to the next level: friends, teachers, counselors, coaches. Reach out to your wider community to find mentors. For example, public libraries are a great resource for teen opportunities, including access to free college services.
If you feel shy or nervous about starting a conversation, that's the best place to begin. It's okay to say, "I'm feeling a little nervous, but here goes ...." You'll be surprised to discover how many people in your community want to contribute to your success.
All you have to do?
Summon the courage, and take the first step.
Then prepare to be transformed.